
Posts Tagged ‘kudzu’

Day 18: Create a set of fingerless mitts or gloves




I LOVE these fingerless mitts! This cabled pattern is from a Crochet Today magazine. I made many of these last Christmas for my sisters-in-law (2 + 2 futures!). This yarn is handspun wool, probably goat or alpaca. It came from Jackls’ Whataview Farm in Wisconsin. The farm is owned by some of my uncle’s family.


I had some extra so I made a headwarmer/scarf. But I ran out! So I filled in with some Stitch Nation Alpaca Love.




The goods are modeled on my mom’s excellent idea for displaying my stuff at craft shows! I will pain the peg board and my husband will make it stand up on its own somehow. It’s brilliant!



I’ll be making another set of these gloves very soon. I met a sweet woman named Cheryl at the craft show over the weekend. She occupied the booth next to me and sold soaps, lip balms, lotions, etc. She sent me some yarn, which is also handspun, to make her some fingerless mitts.






I had admired her kudzu baskets. (Ingenious!!) She was kind enough to give me one. She was a very sweet lady!


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