
Posts Tagged ‘diy’

DIY Washi Tape


Quick tutorial
1: stick masking tape strips on wax paper (I used parchment as I already had it)
2: cut strips of fabric wider than the width of the masking tape (I ironed my fabric first)
3: lightly (and carefully!) sand the masking tape
4: spread a light layer of mod podge on the masking tape
5: place fabric strips onto the tape
6: apply a layer of mod podge over the fabric (I did this to make sure mine stuck well, but obviously it changes the feel of the fabric. Decide if you want matte or gloss finish. I chose matte.)
7: let dry
8: flip the wax paper over so you can see where the tape is and cut out the fabric covered tape
Now you are ready to use the tape! Just cut off a piece and peel off the wax paper.


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A photo blog of the boys and I making salt glitter

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